
Health is our European success story. Over the last 50 years life expectancy across the region has grown by over a decade. Two out of three people living with cancer now live more than 5 years, deaths from cardio-vascular disease have tumbled, HIV has gone from a death sentence to a manageable disease and now 95% of people living with the Hepatitis C Virus can be cured with a 12 week course of medicine.

But along with that success comes a number of challenges. An ageing population means increased demand on health services and increased prevalence of disease like neurodegenerative diseases, including dementia, cancer and diabetes. No one sector has all the answers but by working together, by connecting healthcare we can ensure a healthier future for Europe.

This means developing collaboration between patients and their caregivers, patient organisations, healthcare providers, regulators, policy makers, HTA bodies and life science companies

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