Patient-Focused Drug Development (PFDD)
Patient Focused Medicines Development (PFMD)
Based on the 21st Century Cures Act in June 2017 the US FDA issued guidance to help us better engage with patients, caregivers, and families to produce improved outcomes. In the EU, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has issued similar guidance – Patient Focused Medicines Development – PFMD. There are parallel activities of which you should be aware.
What is the PFDD guidance?
Additional resources:
FDA PFDD Patient Advocacy Workshop slide deck – March 19, 2018
, click thisScott Gottlieb statement re PFDD, April 2, 2018
FDA PFDD draft guidance, June 2018
FDA chart – impact of PFDD across the drug development life cycle
Gain access to all reports from all of the FDA PFDD meetings – FasterCures PFDD Tracker
How does PFDD change clinical trial execution?
For years, we at IHS have been touting the value of getting patient insights early to inform building protocols with endpoints meaningful to patients and families, not just researchers. Now, the FDA is asking that you do just that.
Additional resources:
Inspired Health Strategies case study exemplifying the value of early patient/caregiver input
Search for a clinical trial relevant to you:
How does this change commercializing a product?
Additional resources:
What can I do if my drug is already in clinical trials? Going to the IRB to change things takes time, effort and money - we don't have any of that to waste.
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Media Corner
Videos and podcasts featuring PFDD
How will this change how I do business?
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What if my company culture does not consider PFDD a value?
Additional Resources:
Harvard Business Review white paper illustrating change in pharma business model
We ARE collecting quality of life data within our clinical trial, isn't that enough?
Additional resources:
Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI)
Tufts Center for Drug Development white paper re rates of study completion
Only 11.3% of all clinical trials are completed - can PFDD raise the odds of completion?
Additional resources:
Tufts Center for Drug Development white paper re clinical trial completion rates