Behavior Change via Digital Platform
The Challenge
A mid-sized pharmaco, headquarted outside the US, took the leap to be patient-centered in every aspect of its business. As part of this initiative the company developed a digital platform that required local adaptation. We were part of the US team to adapt the platform to US regulatory standards.
The Solution
The US hurdles included both acculturating the dialogues and processes of the platform as well as ensuring the platform met US regulatory requirements. In addition, the US chose to add a gaming application to the platform to reinforce adherence rates. ALL of this was new to the Medical/Regulatory Team. We immediately set up routine meetings with Med/Reg to gain their input to the development as well as ensure that all elements of the platform would be approved and active assording to or tight timeline. We earnestly believe it was this onging relationship wth Med/Reg that allowed us to hit the timing release goal as well as the solid content goal.
Patients Enrolled via Co-Pay Card
Weekly Ennrollment Increase
Lean - Total Hub Nurses/Call Center Staff
Amazing Result, the platform launched and continues
We surpassed the challenges of developing an enterprise-wide platform
Customizable by and responsive to users
We had to develop enough scripting to anticipate what users may want. The scripting had to uphold HIPAA regulations – no mention of drug or therapeutic area – and still be messaging that could spur action.
Continually put ptients first
Every decision we made was aon the behalf of patients. In one case we were dealing with psoriasis, a disease that carries its own challenges to socialization and isolation. The more we engaged with patients the more we realized what we could do, even with HIPAA and typical regulatory hurdles…and the more we HAD to do. This became an effort in which Med/Reg was a partner to figure out what we could do, not what we could not do.
We leapt over technical challenges
We invented new connections that will probably benefit other companies and other patients as well as those served by this company. Our co-pay, patient advocacy, and marketing distribution partners all had to develop new solutions to support this effort and the patient.